Most recent articles
If You (Don't) Snooze, You Lose!
A remarkable Swiss Army knife of health and wellness, sleep is often an overlooked, under appreciated vitality elixir in today's modern World. In this article, I will provide a brief science informed overview to improve your future sleep hygiene practices. With over 30% of US adults reporting getting less than 6 hours a sleep on average per night, this unmet need is detrimental to all aspects of health. As Dr. Mathew Walker states, "The effects of sleep deprivation will seep into every nook and cranny of your biology."
Core Training: No risk, all reward
Most fitness programs will include core training as a foundation to additional programming. However, all to often, exercises chosen prove...
Working In: Exercise's Role in Mental Health
Exercise has the unique ability to elicit adaptations in both the body and mind.
Easy to apply morning routine
Sleep inertia: A physiological state of impaired cognitive and sensory-motor performance that is present immediately after awakening. It...
Plug & Play
Recently retired athletes without a purpose, social network or daily regime. An exercise enthusiast forced to take time away due to...
Why did that behavior occur?
When you take away your coping mechanisms, whether positive or negative, who do you become? Why are you acting, feeling, behaving that way?
Dynamics of locomotor fatigue during supra-critical power exercise in humans
Abstract We aimed to measure 1) the dynamics of locomotor fatigue at the onset of high-intensity cycling, and 2) the reserve in locomotor...