Home Gym: Advanced Routine

If you've been successful with keeping a home workout routine, you may be looking for more of a challenge at this point. Incorporating the same equipment as we have throughout, we can advance each movement and add a bit of variety as well. Below I will offer exercises, brief instructions and sample routines that are designed to progress from the original articles Home Gym: Low Cost Essentials & Home Gym: Low Cost Essentials:
TRX Suspension System
Tempo TRX Row:
Perform with elbows tucked to your sides and shoulders down (think pulling your traps to your pockets).To make more challenging, position yourself more parallel. Maintain a neutral spine throughout the movement.
The TRX remains a staple in the home routine. To make more challenging progress from the eccentric and add an additional pause at the top. (ex: 3s down, 1s up, 1s hold repeat)
TRX bicep curl:
Similar to the row, with and underhand grip, "curl" toward the handles. Keeping your elbows tucked to your sides, pull your body while maintaining a neutral spine. To make more challenging, add a similar tempo as the above TRX row.
Resistance bands:
Push up:
Beginning in an extended arm position, maintain a neutral spine throughout the movement.
Shoulders, elbows and wrists should also be in line. Keeping your elbows tucked in near your sides, lower your body just above the ground, stop your momentum and press back to your original position. The band around your wrists will increase the level of arm/shoulder involvement.
Psoas March + KB:
With the band around the mid foot, begin with both legs extended. Both legs remain active, with the "lead" leg driving up until your thigh is level with your waistline and the "neutral" leg stabilizing by engaging the glute. The addition of the KB engages the upper body and challenges balance. Alternate between left and right legs to complete reps.
Banded goblet squat:
With the kettlebell held at chest level, perform a squat to comfortable depth. Depth is dependent on natural range of motion and ability to maintain a neutral spine (a good starting point is squatting to, but not beyond, parallel). Gently, drive your knees out to match the resistance of the band. This will increase lower body (especially glute) muscle activation. The kettlebell remains in the same position throughout the exercise.
KB split squats:
Holding the KB in front of your chest, take a split stance that feels natural. Lower to reach alignment of the lead knee and hip, while keeping the knee aligned with your ankle. To increase your challenge, position your rear leg on top of an elevated surface (curb, book, bench etc). You can also vary the KB holding position to provide different challenges.
KB single leg RDL:
With the KB in the opposite hand of the planted leg, hinge through your hip while actively driving the extended trail leg back. Maintain a neutral spine, avoid depth that forces hip rotation and/or spinal flexion. Begin with a limited range of motion and progress only if/when additional range of motion does not compromise position. The KB acts as a natural counter balance and increase muscle activation.
Core/Big 3 Progressions:
Bird dog:
Begin on all fours, shoulder aligned with wrists/hands and hips aligned with knees. Driving opposite arm and leg away from midline, maintain a neutral spine. Hold for 10 seconds before "sweeping" the arm and leg back to initial position and return to hold.
Side plank:
Begin with ankles, knees, hips and shoulders aligned. The working (closet to ground) side shoulder and elbow remain aligned. Hold for 30-60 seconds before switching sides.
Stir the pot:
Beginning with a neutral spine, create space between your ears and shoulders. Then, stack your shoulders on top of your elbows. With a braced torso, focus your movement around your shoulders to create small, clockwise circles (alternate clockwise & counter-clockwise each set). Aim for 15-30 seconds set to get familiar with the exercise.
Outdoor and/or treadmill walks:
Try beginning your day with a 10-15 minute walk. Walking, multiple times per day, is an effective way to get exercise as well as a mental break from your work day.
Sample Workout (A):
Warm-up: 10-15 minute walk
Pre-workout core: Bird dog (6/4/2) - Side bridge (30-60s) - Stir the pot (30s/direction)
- Banded KB goblet squat: 3-4 x 8-12
- TRX rows: 3-4 x 8-12 (3:1:1)
- Banded psoas march + KB: 3-4 x 8-12
- TRX bicep curl: 3-4 x 8-12
Sample Workout (B):
Warm-up: 10-15 minute walk
Pre-workout core: Bird dog (6/4/2) - Side bridge (30-60s) - Stir the pot(30s/direction)
- KB split squat: 3-4 x 8-12
- Banded push-up: 3-4 x 8-12
- KB single leg rdl: 3-4 x 8-12
- TRX rows: 3-4 x 8-12 (3:1:1)
* If you are interested in a program specific to your access to equipment, goals and interests you can e-mail me directly or sign up for coaching by filling out the online form under "Coaching"