Monday Motivator

This past weekend, Tiger Woods won what is regarded as one of the most challenging sporting competitions (again). He did this after YEARS of what people from the outside looking in said were “career ending setbacks.” The family, personal and physical setbacks not only could each individually derail anyone’s pursuit of their goals, but in combination with one another seemed to be too much for anyone to overcome. It wasn’t immediate, it wasn’t linear and at times it wasn’t pretty but he did overcome all of his adversities. How can you he overcame each of these setback and not just simply won a competition?
Sports, at their core, are a display of a unique blend of human spirt, talent, character, dedication, persistence, attitude… the list goes on. Compete long enough and each one of the characteristics that make someone successful will be tested. The greats are the greats because by duration of career alone, they have had to overcome many adversities that people encounter in everyday life throughout their life and not only acknowledge these setbacks but acknowledge, regroup, rededicate and commit to overcoming. Sports can be a metaphor for life and how one overcomes points in their career often times is extrapolated into how they and/or others desire to live their lives.Tiger Woods display this past weekend will undoubtably motivated and encourage countless people around the world in all facets of life.